• Breaking News

    Saturday, 24 December 2016

    3 most important thing to make our country strong and beautiful

    1.  Think about environment friendly 

    If you've been following the news, you'd know that it's been said that Delhi currently has the filthiest air, almost the same level as Beijing. In such conditions, being environment-friendly can have a huge impact on making our country a better place with better air. Plant a tree, use eco-friendly materials in your daily life, use public transport or carpool, get your vehicles checked for pollution control. There's so much you can do for this cause with such little effort.

    2.  Do not throw garbage in the open

    It’s no news that we have problems in our country that need to be fixed. We crib and complain about them, blame the government and the system, and finish off saying the situation is unfixable. How about we stop playing the blame game and try to do a little bit at our end to bring about a change? After all, it starts with you. Here are 9 simple things you can do to help bring a change in our country. A change for betterment.

    3. Give donations for the education of poor children

    If you’re at a comfortable financial position in your life and career, you could take out a nominal amount to help a poor kid’s education. It would help the country’s future in a big way if every well-earning person would contribute. The overall literacy could definitely improve in our country.

    Give your idea for make our Country Strong and Beautiful.

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